Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The male skeleton

The male skeleton is generally larger and heavier, with broader shoulders and a narrower pelvis. The wider female pelvis results in a slight inward tilt of the legs, resulting in a reduction in the mechanical efficiency of the running action. The smaller female skeleton results in the upper body being weaker in comparison to the lower body, which is a disadvantage in events requiring strength e.g. javelin, discus, and all power' events.

Male and female athletes

Therefore they have a definite disadvantage for transporting oxygen to skeletal muscles during exercise. The fact that women have a lower cardiovascular capacity than men does not mean that they are less able to adapt to endurance training. Research shows that males and females adapt on similar levels. Skeletal Muscle Structure and function There is limited data that compares the muscle fibre types of males and females. The only data that is available is of elite athletes. Research has shown that women tend to have a smaller amount of slow twitch fibers in the gastrocnemius than men. Despite the difference, there is no evidence of gender difference in lactate thresholds.